International Plan


The International Plan is a challenging and comprehensive academic program for undergraduates that develops global competence within the context of a student’s major. It is a degree-long program that integrates international studies and experiences into any participating major at Georgia Tech. It helps to prepare Georgia Tech graduates professionally and personally for successful lives in the twenty-first century. Students will gain an understanding of the global economy and international relations, the ability to function effectively in a multinational workplace environment, and the ability to assimilate comfortably in multicultural environments.

How to Apply

  • You must submit an application and be accepted into the International Plan Program.
  • There is no GPA requirement for first semester freshmen applying to the International Plan. All other applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPA at the time of application.
  • Once accepted, INTA, IAML, and EIA majors must meet with the Nunn School undergraduate advisor to clarify interests, to design a course schedule, and to create a strategy to find appropriate overseas experiences.
  • Full information about the International Plan, including requirements, FAQs, resources, and events can be found on the International Plan website.