Graduate Admissions FAQ


General Questions

Do you accept GMAT/LSAT scores?

We are not able to accept GMAT or LSAT scores.

Is the GRE required for admissions?

The GRE is not required but only recommended for the M.S. program. The GRE is still required for the Ph.D. application.

What are the average GRE or GPA of admitted students?

Average GPA is around a 3.4-3.5, verbal and quantitative GRE scores around 155. Applicants with  GRE scores under 145 will have a more difficult time getting admitted. Applicants with a GPA under a 3.0 will also have a more difficult time getting admitted. Georgia Tech’s GRE code is 5248. Our department code is 1901.

How long does it take for you to get my GRE after I take it?

It can take up to a month for us to get your official GRE scores after you’ve taken the test. Please make sure you have indicated our department as well as Georgia Tech so that we get the scores as quickly as possible.

Do you have a minimum TOEFL score for international students?

Yes. You must have a 100 on the IBT version on the TOEFL or the equivalent (250 CBT, 600 PBT) in order to be considered for admission. Applicants with scores below the minimum will not be considered for admission. Our TOEFL code for Georgia Tech is 5248. Our department code is 88.

Do you accept the IELTS exam instead of the TOEFL?

Yes! We require a 7.5 overall score and a 7 on each section.

What is the estimated cost of attendance?

Check out the Bursar’s webpage on that information.

Are there classes that I have to take before I can be admitted to your program?

We do have program requirements in economics and foreign language for the M.S. INTA program. However, you can meet those requirements while you are doing the M.S. INTA program. Not having those classes does not impact your admissions chances. No other programs have similar requirements. We also strongly recommend that you have taken at least basic statistics before starting any of our graduate programs.

When will I hear something from you?

We begin sending out responses beginning around Feb. 1. All admitted students have until April 15 to confirm their intent to come to Georgia Tech. If you are admitted after April 1, you will be given an appropriate amount of time to respond.

How many students do you enroll?

We aim to enroll around 20-25 students each Fall. We do not have Spring or Summer admissions.

What does the Graduate Committee consider when deciding on applications?

The Graduate Committee looks at all aspects of the application thoroughly. GPA is quite important. However, a well-written personal statement and strong letters of recommendation also really help an application. If you consider yourself weak in one area, the other parts of the application can help overcome that weakness.

Do you admit part-time students?

M.S.: Yes! We have about 20-25% of our students who are part-time students. It is not possible to do our program by only taking night classes, however. We offer some of our core classes in the evening every semester, but electives are not usually available in the evening. Due to Georgia Tech policy, part-time students are not eligible for assistantships.

Ph.D: The Ph.D. program is designed to be done on a full-time basis. However, we will consider exceptional applicants on a part-time basis. Please note that part-time students are ineligible for fellowships and/or assistantships and will have to self-fund their studies.

I did an academic program in English; do I need to take the English exam again?

Georgia Tech requires that all applicants demonstrate proof of English language proficiency at the time of application. Please refer to the Institute website for more information: The Nunn School requires a minimum of 100 on the TOEFL (minimum of 20 on each section).

Where do I send my transcripts?

Transcripts will be uploaded to the online application portal after you apply. If you completed your education outside of the United States, visit the Georgia Tech Checklist for International Applications page for information on submitting your required documents.


Can the courses count towards more than one certificate?

No, the courses can only count towards one certificates.

If I am a Georgia Tech master’s or doctoral student, can the courses used in the certificate be used to satisfy requirements in my major degree program?

Yes, it can count unless otherwise designed by the academic unit(s) offering the certificates

Are all the courses counting toward the certificate taken on a letter-grade basis?

Yes, you must obtain a grade of C or higher with a minimum GPA of 2.7 to obtain the certificate.


How many assistantships do you award?

Typically, we award around 3-5 assistantships to incoming M.S. students. Some Ph.D. students are offered funding with their admissions packet.

How are assistantships chosen?

For M.S.: All applications submitted by the Jan. 15 deadline are considered for assistantships. Due to the competitive nature of admissions, only those with strong undergraduate performance tend to be offered aid. In addition, a professor might be looking for someone with a particular skill set that might override the GRE/GPA factors. Typically, we award around 3-5 assistantships to incoming M.S. students.

For Ph.D.: Many full-time Ph.D. students are given full funding in their first year. After that, they must apply for funding through the school or other sources

Additional Topics

How do I arrange a visit? Tours? Meetings?

We are happy to help arrange a visit for you to come meet us. Please email and indicate the dates and times you would be interested in coming to see us. We will then respond and work out the arrangements.

Do you offer career assistance for your students?

Where can I get class information?

The Georgia Tech catalog and the current (as well as recent) schedule of classes are located on the OSCAR registration website. Additionally, most INTA syllabi are available on the INTA course syllabi web page.

Where can I get detailed information on the program?

The departmental website is easily the best source of information on our programs, particularly the graduate program section.

Do you offer fee waivers?

Georgia Tech offers limited fee waivers for certain populations. More information is available on the Graduate Education Fee Waivers page.

What if I have other questions about the admissions process or program not addressed here?

Feel free to email with any further questions.