Undergraduate Certificates

The Sam Nunn School offers certificates in international affairs, European affairs, global engagement, and scenarios, models, and military games. A certificate is awarded upon successful completion of a predetermined, 12-hour cluster of courses approved by the INTA academic advisor or a specific INTA faculty member.

Certificates allow students to graduate with a "specialization" in international affairs and regional studies and are only available to degree-seeking students. A certificate demonstrates to employers and graduate institutions your achievement in a liberal arts field beyond your major, adding breadth to your education and your resumé.

Certificates Available

Blurb / Gallery Set

Declaring a Certificate

Declaration of Certificate Application

Only degree-seeking students at Georgia Tech are eligible to pursue a certificate through the Nunn School. All courses must be taken on a letter-grade basis and a grade of C or better must be received in each course counted toward the certificate. Courses required by name and number and/or used to satisfy core areas A through E in a student's major degree program may not be used in satisfying the course requirements for a certificate. A course may not be counted toward more than one minor and/or certificate.

Students may apply for the any of the Certificates by submitting an application to the INTA Undergraduate Advisor, listing the courses taken and grades earned toward satisfying the certificate requirements. The School will review the application for verification and recommendation. Students who would like to use classes not included on this website towards a certificate should submit this request via e-mail to Mikulas Fabry, INTA undergraduate director.

Certificates will be awarded upon graduation and mailed to students.