Undergraduate Certificate in Latin American Affairs

The Certificate in Latin American Affairs gives students of all majors an in-depth understanding of the region by studying developing nations, from poverty to commerce, and makes for a great addition to a resume.


  1. 12 credit hours of courses in Latin American affairs, approved by the advisor. 9 of the 12 hours must be at the 3000-level or above.
  2. At least two courses must be taken in International Affairs.
  3. All courses must be taken on a letter-grade basis, and a grade of C or better must be received in each course.
  4. Students majoring in INTA may not count courses towards the certificate that are required for their majors by name and number or for other INTA certificates.
  5. No more than 6 credits of special topics (4803) and three credits of special problems (4903) may be used towards the certificate.

Certificate Details