Nunn School students work on solutions to combat disinformation online

Posted July 14, 2021

Nunn School students Jack Crawford, Nico Luzum, Meredith Furbish, and Omar Webb along with ISyE student Marc al-Haj worked with GTRI and the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) to combat the spread of disinformation online as part of their virtual NATO internship. Working to address one of the Innovation Challenge prompts, “identify false information and mitigate its effects on NATO operations”, the students proposed TweetWatch, meant to slow the spread of false information on social media platforms. If a post fulfills certain criteria that indicate false information, TweetWatch puts certain measures in place to mitigate the sharing of the post. Innovative proposals such as Tweetwatch are valuable NATO allies in their fight against disinformation and information warfare. A full article in the NATO review will appear in August or Fall 2021.

Read the full article here.

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