Undergraduate Certificate in International Affairs

The Certificate in International Affairs can enhance the employment opportunities of Tech students by adding an international dimension to their field of study. The certificate also broadens the preparation of students who intend to pursue graduate education in medicine, law, or business.


  1. The student must complete 12 semester hours of coursework that include INTA 1110 (Introduction to International Relations) and nine semester hours of advanced, upper-level INTA coursework (numbered 3000 or above). A student may petition to allow three hours of advanced upper-level, non-International Affairs coursework to count toward completion of the certificate if that coursework is clearly relevant to International Affairs.
  2. All courses for the certificate must be taken on a letter-grade basis, and a grade of C or better is required in each course counted toward the certificate.
  3. To receive the Certificate in International Affairs, the student must complete all requirements for a bachelor's degree at Georgia Tech.
  4. No more than six credits of special topics (4803) and three credits of special problems (4903) may be used towards the certificate.
  5. International Affairs majors are NOT eligible for the Certificate in International Affairs.

Certificate Details