国际政治秩序与国际关系理论:关于国际无政府状态的作用的一个思辨 (International political order and theories of international relations: a conceptual discourse on the functions of international political anarchy

Title: 国际政治秩序与国际关系理论:关于国际无政府状态的作用的一个思辨 (International political order and theories of international relations: a conceptual discourse on the functions of international political anarchy
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: May 1997
Published In: 中國社會科學季刊 (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly)
Ivan Allen College Contributors:

Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Jikan (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly). 18-19. 295 - 312.

Related Departments:
  • Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy
  • School of International Affairs