1. What do you do?
As the Director of Public Policy and Community Affairs for the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, I am responsible for working with our elected officials at the federal, state, and local levels to ensure that the laws and policies they work on champion business.
2. What's the coolest part of your job?
The coolest part of my job is the amazing people I get to meet and work with. Relationships are an important part of what I do and who I am. I feel incredibly blessed to have met and worked with movers and shakers in my community, state, and nation. The travel is pretty cool, too. Hello, Dubai!
3. Why are you passionate about it?
When you work with amazing colleagues and partners who are passionate about making a difference in our communities through policymaking, diplomacy, and economic development, you can't help but feed off that energy. Improving the quality of life for our businesses and residents takes a team effort, and I am grateful to be a part of it.
4. Which skills from your IAC degree have helped you be successful in this career?
Critical thinking and problem-solving. For most issues, differing parties have the same desired outcome but disagree on the process. Learning about different governments around the world and their conflicts has helped me tackle complex policy issues by understanding and considering all perspectives.
5. What's your #1 tip for students and alumni interested in your field?
Be kind, considerate, respectful, and helpful to everyone you meet, whether a C-suite executive or an intern. People, especially in my field, may not always remember the details of where you met, but they will remember how you made them feel. Showing who you are over what you've done could make all the difference.
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