Brian Woodall


Member Of:
  • School of International Affairs
Fax Number:404-894-1900
Office Location: Habersham 146
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Brian Woodall received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley, and, prior to joining Georgia Tech's faculty, held full-time faculty positions at the University of California at Irvine and Harvard University.  He has held visiting appointments at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tohoku University, and Kobe University.  He is the author of Growing Democracy in Japan (University Press of Kentucky), Japan Under Construction (University of California Press), and Japan's Changing World Role (Japan Society), and co-editor of Elections in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Under the Single Non-Transferable Vote (University Michigan Press).  His research and teaching utilize the tools of comparative institutional analysis to illuminate a variety of issues, including disaster governance, megaregion sustainability, and sustainable energy security.  Dr. Woodall's recent work has appeared in Progress in Disaster ScienceInternational Journal of Urban Sciences, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, and the Journal of Urban Planning and Development.  He has received funding from the Fulbright Commission, Coca-Cola Foundation, U.S.-Japan Friendship Commission, the Abe Fellowship Program of the Social Science Research Council, the University of California Pacific Rim Research Program, and the Japan Foundation.  In addition, he serves as Director of the Japan Summer Program in Sustainable Development, Associate Director of the Nakatani RIES Program, and as a member of Kobe University's Board of Advisors.

  • Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley (Political Science)
Awards and
  • Member of Kobe University Advisory Board
  • Fulbright Scholar (Japan)
  • Abe Fellow (Social Science Research Council)
  • Japan Foundation Dissertation Fellow
  • Chancellor Dissertation Fellow (UC-Berkeley)
  • Philo Sherman Bennett Prize in Political Science
Areas of
  • Comparative Institutional Analysis
  • Disaster Governance
  • Energy Security
  • Japanese And East Asian Affairs
  • Megaregion Sustainability
  • Sustainable Development
  • Urban Science


Research Fields:
  • Clean Energy
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Comparative Politics: Regional Studies
  • Cultural and Ethical Awareness
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy, Climate and Environmental Policy
  • Global Energy Security
  • Globalization: Political Economy and Governance
  • Institutional Analysis
  • Regional Security Challenges
  • Transportation
  • Asia (East)
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • International Development
  • Regional Development
  • Infrastructure
  • Institution-Building
  • Sustainability
  • Transportation


  • INTA-2001: Careers In Intl Affairs
  • INTA-2050: Intro to Global Develpmt
  • INTA-2230: Govt & Politics of Asia
  • INTA-2698: Research Assistantship
  • INTA-3040: Energy Environ Policy
  • INTA-3203: Comparative Politics
  • INTA-3231: Gov't & Politics-Japan
  • INTA-3232: Sustainable Megaregion
  • INTA-4040: Environmental Politics
  • INTA-4744: Global Develop Capstone
  • INTA-6202: Comparative Politics
  • INTA-8001: Sci,Tech&Intl Affairs II
  • INTA-8010: IAST Ph.D. Proseminar
  • INTA-8813: Special Topics
  • INTA-8823: Special Topics
  • INTA-8833: Special Topics


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