Political Rewind: Retired 4-Star Gen. Phil Breedlove on Ukraine as Russia Reports Advances

Posted March 3, 2022

External Article: GPB

Gen. Philip Breedlove, distinguished professor of the practice in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, was interviewed for the segment, 'Political Rewind: Retired 4-Star Gen. Phil Breedlove on Ukraine as Russia Reports Advances', which aired March 3, 2022 on GPB.

An excerpt:

...Not many people in small town America understand what Ukraine is and sadly, a lot of people couldn't put their finger on the map if they were asked to. So there are two lines of logic here...few people realize Ukraine is a big industrial, technical nation...

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Gen. Philip Breedlove, distinguished professor of the practice in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs.